Thursday, February 5, 2009


Rivers, some of my best memories have rivers in them. Most of those memories are one river specifically, the Willamette River. Now all those who have been here in Oregon for some time most likely are shaking their heads in disgust, but no mater I love it, even if people think you will grow an extra arm just from swimming in it. Anyone who spends much time around me will tell you that I love water! Be it frozen or flowing freely I love it, especially when I ride on top of it. I wakeboard and have many great memories of long summer afternoons riding on the Willamette. Many of the tricks I can do were landed for the first time on that scummy water. I love the river!
The river however is merciless. I have seen with my own eyes search and rescue boats looking for the body of a young man who was swept away by the current. Try as you might the waters will find a way through everything in there path shore lines of rock fade beneath their persistent aggravation. What at times is a still calm river around the next bend may turn into turbulent rapids tossing anyone daring enough to attempt to row through them this way and that. I have experienced this. As a young boy my mom took my brother and I on a white water rafting trip. I remember getting to the big rapids and the guild taking us over to the side of the river and letting us look at what we were about to go through. I was terrified. Fear gripped me yet some how they got me to agree to do it and I am glad I did, it was fun! I remember the guide would tell us when to row and when to hold. He knew what he was doing. He had done it before and therefore could guild us safely through.
It is not difficult to see the relation of this as one thinks of God. Hebrews 12 tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith. We must have the guild telling us when to row or when to hold or else we will end up swept away in the river of life. Smashed against rocks or flipped over and just trying to keep our head above water as life swirls around us. When the turbulence of life is met with God’s hand upholding us it brings joy. I never want to experience life outside of the boat of the hands of Jesus.
I went for a run in the rain tonight and where else do I run but on the banks of my beloved Willamette River. As I looked up stream all these thoughts began to come to me and thought of these waters headed north would take me up those stretches of river that I know so well that have so many fond memories. The journey however is full of rocks and twists and turns deep parts and shallow parts, if I took a boat up to get back home I would need a guide to show me how to navigate through the mess of the river or life. My trust must remain in my guide because if i foolishly try and jump out of the Boat of the Father's hands i will drown. As I ran I sang a song and part of that song goes like this, “guild me to eternity” and so that is my prayer LORD that you would be my Guide to eternity through the turbulent waters of life!

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