Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wednesday's with Kevin

“Wednesday with Kevin” is an installment that I look forward to writing each week; God willing. The content of which will be based on discussions had by, myself and my good friend Kevin. Each week Kevin and I try and start our Sabbath day, Wednesday for he and I, with a hike up a local butte to seek the face of God. We spend our time conversing praying and reading. What follows and in future weeks will God willing bless you as I will be chronicling what God is teaching he and I through our talks and time before Him.
Today we spent our time taking some pictures, praying, reading, and talking about what God is doing as well as the struggles we face. By the way it was beautiful up there today. The peak was above the cloud level and you could see snow capped mountains in the distance, while the cloud blanket rolled aimlessly over the low-lying hills. I love that God is creator!!!!!!! Today was great spending time with Him.
We spent much time praying. God is teaching me much about praying. What does it mean to really pray? Prayer put simply is us talking with God. If we only knew what really happened when we prayed, we would pray continually, with out stopping, ever! I find it interesting that the only thing the apostles asked Jesus to specifically teach them was how to pray. I think they understood something that most of us fail to grasp. When we pray we come directly before the throne of God. The same God who created the heavens and the earth, the same God who parted the Red Sea, the same one who caused the walls of Jericho to fall is the one whom we come before when we pray. Prayer is all over in the Bible Paul again and again tells the Churches, Timothy, and Titus to pray when the Disciples were waiting for the Holy Spirit they were in prayer. God wants His saints to pray. I once heard it said that, “prayer on earth releases power from heaven.” We must pray prayer is one of our weapons Paul is referring to in II Cor. 10:3-6 that is able to pull down the strong holds of the enemy. Prayer enters another world we know little about if we allow them to. Donald G. McDougall wrote, “Paul’s prayers related to another sphere, because he understood that our real struggles are in that other sphere.” In this he was referring to Eph. 6:10-20. I pray that I will take hold of this insight and apply it to my life.

May God bless you and protect you as you come before His throne in prayer.


  1. That sounds like such a blessing to have a friend to spend that kind of time with! Every one needs to take that time to meditate on God's word and His creation.
    You have really encouraged me to do the same.

  2. *By the way, if you ever want to visit my blog it is
    It won't work by clicking on my name because my profile is set to private.*
